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https://medium.com/@fullsour/when-should-you-use-path-variable-and-query-parameter-a346790e8a6d When Should You Use Path Variable and Query Parameter? In this article, I’d like to show you what is a Path Variable and Query Parameter. And how you think and use those as best practice. medium.com
https://gracelove91.tistory.com/13 gradle 사용시 lombok cannot find symbol 에러 먼저 Enable annotation processing 체크. 그래도 에러난다면 build.gradle에서 다음과 같이 의존성추가 되었는지 확인할 것. compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok' 만 작성할 때가 많은데, 그 밑에 있는 annotat.. gracelove91.tistory.com
https://azderica.github.io/01-architecture-msa/ [Architecture] MSA : SAGA 패턴이란 - Azderica [Architecture] MSA : SAGA 패턴이란 Posted 22. December 2020. 7 min read. MSA : SAGA 패턴의 정의과 종류 이전에 MSA 개념에 대해 잡아보았습니다. 오늘은 MSA를 듣다보면 꼭 듣게 되는 SAGA 패턴에 대해 공부해보겠 azderica.github.io
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/322715/when-to-use-linkedlist-over-arraylist-in-java?page=1&tab=trending#tab-top When to use LinkedList over ArrayList in Java? I've always been one to simply use: List names = new ArrayList(); I use the interface as the type name for portability, so that when I ask questions such as this, I can rewor... stackoverflow.com